CPGA Virtual Ladies Lunch
Join the Ladies of CPGA for a virtual luncheon on October 21 at 12:00 pm. The even will feature Crystal Morphis of Creative Economic Development Consulting.
Click here to register for the October Luncheon.
Join the Ladies of CPGA for a virtual luncheon on October 21 at 12:00 pm. The even will feature Crystal Morphis of Creative Economic Development Consulting.
Click here to register for the October Luncheon.
Public Natural Gas Week (PNGW) is a nationwide observance that offers the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your public natural gas system and generate enthusiasm about the benefits of public natural gas. This year, PNGW will be celebrated October 4-10, 2020.
Due to the pandemic, we have decided to cancel our in person 2020 Annual Meeting in Asheville. Please join us for the 2020 CPGA Virtual Annual Meeting that will be held September 14 - 16, 2020.
Virtual CPGA Annual Meeting Schedule
SGA Spring Gas Conference has been rescheduled to August 4-6, 2020.
The conference will be a virtual conference, August 4-6, 2020.
We are starting a System Member Spotlight series, where system members share an issue and solution they have faced. We are having our first webinar-Chester County Natural Gas Authority- GIS: Redesign to Meet Modern Demands, Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 1pm. Roy Brunson, Chester County Natural Gas Authority and Peter Thompson, Duncan- Parnell and CPGA Associate Member, will be presenting on what issues where faced and what solutions they found.
CPGA leadership has been diligent to monitor the current situation with COVID-19 and recommendations released by the CDC and national and local governments. At this time, we have decided to postpone both the in-person and concurrent webinar Spring Meeting scheduled for this coming Wednesday, March 18. We feel that our CPGA board and association members are busy handling the current issues at their respective systems and members will be better served by postponing the presentations.
Due to low registration numbers, this training has been canceled.
October 1-3, 2019 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day - Training cost is $1450
The training class includes:
1. A printed current copy of Parts 191 and 192.
2. Electronic copies of each presentation used in the class (These will be provided on USB
drives for each participant).
Facilitators: DeWitt Burdeaux, Market Director, Pipeline Regulatory Services and Lane Miller, Market Director, Pipeline Regulatory Services
*all cancellations must be submitted in writing at least 6 weeks in advance to CPGA to receive refund for this training.